Girls in Animation is an NGO and a community that strives to empower and inspire girls and women who are passionate about animation, illustration, and character design. The community provides a platform for members to learn, collaborate, and share their work with like-minded individuals. Through workshops, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities, Girls in Animation aims to bridge the gender gap in the animation industry and support the next generation of female animators and artists.
Today, we are proud to announce that Delphine Shooter, a talented illustrator, character designer, storyboard artist, and a member of the Girls in Animation community, has been accepted for a six-month internship at the Mollo Animation Academy and Studio within the Tshimologongin Precinct Innovation Hub in South Africa. This is a remarkable accomplishment, and the community is honoured to have assisted Delphine on her journey.
Delphine has always been passionate about drawing. She believes that women are beautiful works of art. Her passion for art led her to create comics as a hobby, which she shares with her social media followers.
Delphine's journey started at Wesley Girls' High School, where she studied visual arts and received academic awards for her performance. She later completed a bachelor's degree in Architecture from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. However, her love for animation and her dream of producing high-quality animated films led her to pursue an internship at the Tshimologong Animation Academy.
The Tshimologong Animation Academy is a world-class institution that provides animation, gaming, and virtual reality training. It is a hub for creativity and innovation, where students can learn from experienced professionals and gain practical skills through hands-on projects. The academy has an impressive track record of producing successful graduates who have gone on to work in top animation studios worldwide.
The Girls in Animation community believes that every girl deserves the opportunity to explore her creativity and pursue her dreams. By supporting women like Delphine, who are passionate about art and animation, we hope to inspire the next generation of female animators, illustrators, and character designers.
This internship opportunity will not only allow her to expand her knowledge and skills in animation, but it will also serve as an inspiration to other girls who are interested in pursuing a career in the field. Delphine's experience at the academy will provide a platform for sharing her skills and knowledge with the rest of the community, allowing members to learn and grow.
The Girls in Animation community is proud of Delphine and her achievement. Our best wishes go out to her as she completes her internship. We're eager to watch her advance as a professional artist and see what impact she'll have on the community when she returns.